





隨著西化食物的引進,人類的飲食越來越精製,人類的健康卻越來越衰退。普賴斯醫生 (Dr. Western A. Price) 曾報導過一項長久以來仍然有效且驚人的發現:「常喫加工食物(精製食物)的父母所生的孩子不僅多有臉面及顎畸形或其他部位畸形的例子,而且急性與慢性病的發生率也偏高。食物越精製,人類的健康越快衰退。並且促成牙齒腐爛和一般疾病的主要原因乃是由於營養缺乏。」


此項研究旨在探討聖經中對人類飲食的啟示。內容包括:(1)引言、(2)聖經中最常提到的食物---全榖與全穀餅(麵包)、(3)聖經中的魚類---潔淨的魚類、(4) 聖經中的肉類---合乎戒律而潔淨的肉類、(5) 聖經中其他形式的蛋白質、(6) 聖經中的蔬菜---純天然的各類蔬菜、(7) 聖經中的油脂---初榨之橄欖油、(8) 聖經中的飲料---充足的水和少許紅酒、(9) 聖經中的餐後點心---各色水果、些許堅果和蜂蜜、(10) 聖經中的運動---步行、有氧運動、有氧舞蹈、慢跑等、(11) 結論。茲因篇幅有限,第(6)~(10)容後發表。





The Revelation Concerning the Diet of Men in the Bible ()


Jin-Liang Wang

The University of Akron, Polymer Science, Ph.D.

Grace F. Wang

The University of Southern California, Business Administration, Ph.D.

Song-Jeng Huang

Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology



  Since the processed, westernized food was introduced, the health of the people had declined. Dr. Weston A. Price reported a study that is still valid and amazing today. He found that children born of parents who had constantly consumed the processed food had a greater number of facial and jaw deformities. A higher percentage of birth anomalies began to occur, and both acute and chronic diseases were recorded in increased numbers. The more refined the food, the faster the health of the people declined. He concluded that dental decay and even most of diseases were primarily due to nutritional deficiencies.

Evidently, almost each norm and suggestion concerning healthful diet advocated by today’s renowned nutritionists and medical doctors had been stated or revealed in the Scripture thousands  of years ago. Hence, they are not only coinciding with the principles in the Bible, but also providing people the best dietaries. If we follow the biblical dietaries, we will certainly be healthier, less ill, losing weight in a easy way, and living longer.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss about “the Revelation Concerning the Diet of Man in the Bible”. Its content includes: (1) introduction, (2) the food that was recorded most often in the Bible---whole grains and whole-grain bread, (3) the fish in the Bible---clean-species fish, (4) the meats in the Bible---clean, kosher meats, (5) other forms of protein in the Bible, (6) the vegetables in the Bible--- lots of vegetables, (7) the fats in the Bible---pressed virgin olive oil, (8) the beverages in the Bible---plenty water and a little of red wine, (9) the dessert in the Bible---a great deal of fruit, some nuts, and some honey, (10) the exercise ---walk, aerobic exercise, aerobic dance, jog, etc. and (11) conclusions. Due to the space limit, those items from (6) to (10) of this study will be published later.


Keywords:  Bible, nutrition, health, diet, food

    創作者 承源弟兄 的頭像

    Yuan Huang 詩119:148我趁夜更未換,將眼睜開,為要默想你的話語。

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